We’ve hosted 11 tech Meet Ups during 2016 at the Ticketmaster London site, all in the evening, some held with nonprofit organisations such as Women Who Code and UXPA. There is a diversity angle with some of these events, in total we’ve engaged over 273 tech professionals to attend Meet Ups onsite. 


The most valuable observation from running these events has been to inclusively bring people together to talk about tech subjects that really engage them, or provide an opportunity to those who may not use technologies on a daily basis but wish to learn new skills and tinker with different applications, with support provided from coaches who lead the sessions. During 2016 other organisations such as Adobe, Bitcoin and Twitter ran some of the Meet Ups. Many of the Meet Ups were workshop-oriented, providing an opportunity for people to practically learn  applications. 

We look forward to welcoming further tech Meet Ups at Ticketmaster International during 2017. Happy holidays!